Stand out in a crowded market, and fill your pipeline with perfect-fit prospects.

Thought leadership with a unique point of view elevates you above competitors and makes you the obvious choice.

You believe in your solutions. You have an amazing team of smart people. It should be easy to generate interest and land deals, right?

Unfortunately, not so — not in the B2B tech market, with every category more crowded than ever. Capability-focused marketing and sales approaches have stopped working because prospects can’t see a meaningful difference between competing solutions.

So what's the fix? Go big-picture. Focus on your approach to the problem you solve and the story behind how you arrived at that approach. Your point of view.

With thought leadership that flows from your point of view, suddenly, you’re standing out with a unique perspective of your market’s pain points and how to best solve them. Now prospects are paying attention to your capabilities. Now they’re interested in how your solution delivers the outcomes they need. You become the obvious choice.

Hi, I'm Laura MacPherson. I help B2B tech companies & consultancies meaningfully differentiate and drive growth with thought leadership and compelling content.

About Laura MacPherson

My clients are SaaS companies, connected device companies, and tech consulting firms that are solving complex problems in intelligent ways. Companies like these have customers who see them as the business-changing leaders they are. But when their marketing is focused on capabilities alone, they struggle to be more widely visible in a crowded market. 

I act as a thought partner to guide you to your unique point of view and help you craft a visionary thought leadership strategy to attract your ideal customers, build trust, and shorten sales cycles. I also provide content to fuel your thought leadership strategy and accelerate your program’s implementation time.

Problems I Help Solve

Undifferentiated in a crowded market

Getting lost in a crowded category and being seen as one of many viable options means you struggle to fill your pipeline.

Muddled messaging in marketing content

When you’re unclear on your difference, prospects don’t understand the value you deliver, and they have difficulty trusting your promises.

Without a thought leadership strategy, prospects can’t see your impact, which leaves you struggling for attention and interest.

Impact is hidden

Purely educational content no longer delivers high-score leads — there’s simply too much already out there. Effective content is built on your thought leadership strategy.  

Unfocused content strategy

Go-to tactics aren’t working like before

Many go-to marketing tactics have become either too costly or ineffective.  A fresh approach based on your thought leadership strategy will deliver better results.

When revenue is down and budgets are cut, you have to do more with less. Thought leadership helps you make the most of every marketing dollar.

Need to do more with less

What Clients Say

Want to chat about elevating your company above the crowd? Schedule a call.