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When you subscribe, you’ll also get Become the Obvious Choice. It’s a manifesto that explains why POV is such a powerful way to differentiate in a crowded market.

Information vs. Insight
Sharing information isn't the same as sharing insight. Thought leadership requires net-new thinking — a unique perspective that challenges conventional wisdom or a new approach to a stubborn problem. Insight helps readers reshape their thinking and challenge their assumptions.

Using a Brand Manifesto to Differentiate and Make Your Solution the Obvious Choice
Fashion isn’t the only thing that comes back around, again and again. Marketing tactics tend to do the same. Because 1) most marketing tactics work if guided by a solid strategy, and 2) you have to do things differently than your competitors — otherwise, people won’t pay attention. So a tactic gets done by everyone, and then it cycles out until someone picks it up again.

How to Find Your Thought Leadership POV and Start Standing Out
Thought leadership is about perspective, not product/service. Your perspective is what entices buyers to look at your solution. Once a prospect is hooked by your perspective, they’ll want to learn about your product. Point of view is what gets you in the back door that friends use, rather than leaving you to knock on the front door with no response.

Why Leading with a Point of View Wins in B2B Tech
The B2B tech market is more crowded than the Atlanta airport (PSA: Roast Coffeehouse is an oasis, even though there’s always a line). Even solutions that are truly unique get lost in the plethora of options because buyers can’t easily see the difference between competitors.